

  • About the 2021 Call to Arms: A Unified Membership

    Over the last 65 years, BIA Hawaii has been at the epicenter of transforming the Territory of Hawaii into the beautiful State of Hawaii we call home today. Development in Hawaii – from homes to high-rises to hotels to hospitals – has been touched by the hands and hearts of our members. We have a tremendous legacy in shaping our communities and we will continue to play a vital role in the way Hawaii transforms itself again as it recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.

    In 2020 at the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic, BIA Hawaii was an instrumental leader in developing and soliciting signatures on the Industry Commitment Pledge, which identified companies - many of them BIA Hawaii members - across industry sectors as committed to job site safety conditions during the pandemic. As a result of this Industry-wide pledge, Construction was named by the Mayor of Honolulu as an 'essential business' during the economic shutdowns in Hawaii related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the industry escaped much of the severe restrictions placed on the travel, hospitality, and food industries.

    Trade associations like BIA Hawaii were not spared from significant financial strain as a result of Hawaii's economic shutdowns. Associations across the country suffered due to the cancellation of revenue-generating programs such as in-person Home Shows, events, and classes. In years prior to the pandemic, nearly 64% of BIA Hawaii’s annual operating expense budget was based upon these types of programs.

    The 2021 Call to Arms Sponsorship was designed to support BIA Hawaii during an unprecedented time. In exchange for their self-determined sponsorship amount, BIA Hawaii Members received recognition for their contribution on the virtual Recognition Wall below and on a Mahalo Sponsors sign mounted on the wall at BIA Hawaii's Construction Training Center of the Pacific.

  • Recognition Wall

    We would like to thank our sponsors who have shown distinct dedication and loyalty to BIA-Hawaii to assist in fiscal solvency during and after the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Your support of our programs shows that our impact on the building industry and community will survive the pandemic and beyond. We are looking forward to another 65 successful years!

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