Jacob Aki Candidate Survey Highlights:
1. What specifically will you do, if elected, to increase the supply of housing at all price-points?
If elected to the City Council, I will work to continue identifying opportunities to increase Oahu's housing inventory along the proposed Honolulu rail line, specifically around the nine rail stations located in Council District VII. I am very supportive of transit-oriented development and I believe that it is a great opportunity to address the islands housing needs, if done right.
2. Given the City Auditor’s findings on the procedural and personnel problems at the Department of Planning and Permitting, what immediate steps will you take to address these problems if elected?
The City Auditor's audit of the Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) highlights a number of major issues within the department, particularly in regards to the inability to process building permits in a timely manner. The inability to process building permits in a timely manner is highlighted in Chapter 4 of the auditor's report. The report finds that a contributing factor to the delays are due to staffing shortages at permit centers and the inability (and delays) to fill vacant positions. This
has also contributed to the departments inability to keep up with workload demands.
Read full candidate survey here>>>