• CAPS I Designation Course

  • Marketing & Communicating with Aging-in-Place Client March 19 
    CAPS I Designation Course

    Millions of Americans are living longer and more active lives. Because they are embracing newly found and changing lifestyles, they need to revitalize their home environment.  Identifying this burgeoning opportunity and then developing the skills to interact with this market can help you grow your business dramatically. 

    The certified Aging-in-Place Specialist (CAPS) designation program teaches healthcare industry professionals, a complementary perspective on how to proactively prepare for the rapidly aging segment of the population, seniors with age-related diseases and how, whose home modification needs will continue to increase in years to come as they prepare to age in place.  

    Courses qualify for AOTA CEUs.  The National Association of Home Builders is a Registered Provider with the American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc. and CAPS I, II, AND III each count for (6 contact hours) of AOTA continuing education credits. 

    Who Should Take This Course?

    This course will benefit builders, remodelers and allied professionals that serve the aging in place market, including occupational therapists, real estate professionals and trade contractors as well as well as academics. 

    As a graduate of this program, you will be able to:

    • Explain how allied professionals can collaborate effectively to serve a targeted AIP market.
    • Identify common challenges functioning in a real-world environment for the AIP population. 

    Register Now

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