• BIA-Hawaii Associate Appreciation Month

  • HiAccounting LianaFajayan Associate Member
  • The Hawaii Group, LLC

    In September, we're celebrating BIA-Hawaii Associate members and having a little fun getting to know them better. You can find out more about BIA-Hawaii President and Associate member, Dean Uchida on the home page. If you meet any of these Associates out in the community, give them a hand for all that they do. Associates are important members of the building and construction industry and they provide services that would be greatly missed, like accounting, staffing, media, or even safety and real estate. 

    Our interview with BIA-Hawaii Associate member, Liana Fajayan of The Hawaii Group's HiAccounting

    Liana Fajayan

    Q: Tell us something about your role that people may not know or would find surprising.
     I actually love accounting and tax-planning! To some people, numbers are the most frustrating thing to look at. To me, numbers tell the story of an organization. To be able to translate this story of numbers in a way that allows businesses and entrepreneurs make better decisions is a very satisfying feeling. 

    Q: If you could travel any place in the world, where would it be? 
    A: Peru, I'd love to explore the Amazon jungle and Macchu Picchu.

    Q: What is the best BIA-Hawaii event you've ever attended? 
    A: Aside from the BIA-Hawaii Board Meetings when we discuss finances and accounting-it has to be the Installation Banquet! The event was held at The Modern Honolulu. Good food and good company always spell a good time. 

    Q: What is the worst advice you've ever received?
    A: Someone once told me to watch out for myself first. Although self-advocacy and preservation is important, I believe having the best interest in the team is the core of what truly builds a better community and business. 

    Mahalo to Liana for sharing!


  • Roseann Freitas Associate Member Archipelago Hawaii
  • Archipelago Hawaii: Luxury Home Designs

    We sat down with Roseann Freitas of Archipelago Hawaii: Luxury Home Designs to find out a little bit more about her. We hope that you'll take a moment to introduce herself and share a little magic when you meet. 

    Q: If you could visit any fictional place, where would it be and why? 
    A: Definitely Hogwarts School. I'd be really interested to see the layout and flow of the school

    Q:What was the best compliment that you've ever received?
    A: I was at an event and someone told me that I made them feel comfortable. I appreciated knowing that I was able to put someone at ease and make them feel good. 

    Q: Why did you (Archipelago) join BIA-Hawaii? 
    A: BIA_Hawaii is a leader in the industry and they have a finger on the pulse of what is happening legislatively. We also really value the continuing education and networking opportunities that are available to members. 

    Q: Have you ever done something amazing but didn't have another person there to witness it? 
    A: I can't say that this has happened to me. I've always been lucky enough to have someone with me in those situations. (Not luck, Roseann is a fantastic person)

    Q: What is your favorite breakfast? 
    A: Bacon and eggs!

    If you meet Roseann, buy her bacon and eggs and know that you'll be in good company. 

  • Hawaii Home + Remodeling Magazine

    Stephanie Silverstein Hawaii Home + Remodeling Magazine Associate BIA-Hawaii

    Stephanie Silverstein is the Editor of Hawaii Home + Remodeling Magazine and an Associate Member of BIA-Hawaii. We had a chance to speak with Stephanie and ask her a few questions about her role here at BIA-Hawaii, at work, and in life. She's pictured with her favorite four-legged friend, Liko. 

    Q: How did you become involved with BIA-Hawaii?
    A: I’m a BIA-Hawaii member through Hawaii Home + Remodeling. I’ve become more involved with BIA recently, and this year I’m serving on the Awards Committee. I love getting a sneak peek at the beautiful homes designed and built by BIA members, and have the honor of selecting one to receive the Editor’s Choice Award at the awards gala in October.

    Q: What is the best compliment you’ve ever received? 
    A: When owners of the homes we feature in Hawaii Home + Remodeling write to me to express gratitude for an article I wrote about their home, I feel like I’ve done a good job. A home is so personal, and I’m grateful they share a look inside theirs with our readers.

    Q: What was the first job you ever had and how much were you paid? 
    A: I got my first job when I was 16; I sold chocolates and fudge in the retail store of a small, family-owned chocolatier. I earned a little more than minimum wage and all the free samples I could stomach during each shift.

    Q: If you could recommend attending a BIA-Hawaii event, which event would it be?
    A: My new favorite BIA-Hawaii event is the Big T Golf Tournament! I played golf for the first time ever at this year’s tournament and I had so much fun. Since then, I’ve taken beginner golf lessons at Ko Olina Golf Club and am hoping to finish anywhere but last in next year’s tournament. See you there! Fore!


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